Was it the videos or did you finally realize that it’s important to seize the moment! You always wanted to travel, and now you have:
the time
the funds
the interest and enthusiasm
the fact that you are in pretty good shape for the trips!
SPONTANEITY + PLANNING It’s funny how you know that planning ahead is one of the most important parts of travel. Sure, sometimes the spontaneous happenings are the most memorable but really, why didn’t you realize that going to Italy in the summer would be broiling HOT! And what was the deal with the crowds at JFK? But seeing the Sistine Chapel and being in the canals in Venice – what a great experience! Your pictures are fantastic, and the album is almost done!
Except for those flights. They were so long and cramped. Ok, ok, you promised yourself that you would not be such a complainer. Try to focus on the positive. You loved the Opera House in Sydney, and what about those amazing kangaroos in Melbourne! You knew it would take 14 hours. You knew the food was not going to be good. Most of the time you handled it all with a POSITIVE attitude, and you learned a lot about travel. Yeah, like there are not always elevators or people who speak English no matter how much you complain and carry on.
Speaking of carrying on, what about the fact that sometimes you had to carry your luggage three blocks from the parking garage and across cobble stones just because the bell boy was away from his desk. Your back still hurts! Then again, it’s all a learning experience.
All avenues areOPENto you.
If you decide to plan more trips before the end of the year, turn to page 9.
If you want to think about something a little less strenuous and less expensive, turn to page 8.