“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.” – Sophia Loren
Out of the Box Retirement: Read Loretta’s chapter titled "Secrets of a Retirement Coach" and find out how to make retirement your best years yet! |
Once the excitement and newfound freedom wears off in this next phase, unexpected challenges can arise that can throw a person off balance.
As a Life Coach with certification in multiple techniques and areas, I empower people to stay in alignment with themselves and their values as they ask themselves, “What’s next?” Each challenge – whether forced or by choice – is addressed with the goal of finding purpose and fulfillment. Enjoying a successful retirement requires more than making sound financial decisions and saving lots of money. It involves thinking about and planning for the NON-FINANCIAL parts of retirement. Like…
You don’t want to waste valuable time wondering if retiring was the right decision. Loretta helps you think about and plan for what you want in the years ahead as well as what can help keep meaning and purpose in your life. Research shows that 69% of new retirees |